How to Become a Bestseller with Money, Luck, or Work

…okay, but mostly work

Cyndy Etler | Teen Coach | Author


Tattoos on the back of an arm. The words “hard work” appear on a hammer with a skull underneath.
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

If you build it, they will come” is the biggest crock of shit ever foisted. The second biggest is my own mental script: “If I write it, The New York Times bestseller list will come.”

*EHNT* Wrong answer.

How do I know? Because if that mess was true, my first title, Dead Inside, would…



Cyndy Etler | Teen Coach | Author

Locked up & homeless as a teen. Now teaching resiliency & hope with my YA memoirs & teen coaching. Seen on CNN, HuffPost, NPR, CBS, ABC.